
Redefining Credentials in Logistics and Supply Chain for the Next Generation.

الجمعة، أبريل 21، 2006

Logistics Skills Shortage!

Given the nature of supply chain management, and the growing complexity of the sector, there will be continued demand for specialist training and development in supply chain specializations (e.g., purchasing, customs). In order to minimize the fragmentation that many diverse offerings within a sector create, it is recommended that associations collaborate or partner to some degree to consolidate and deliver a common foundation upon which to build a specialization. Further, and as is the case between most universities and with some professional associations (e.g., CICA), that reciprocal arrangements and cross-recognition of certification standards and common bodies of knowledge be developed. This will serve to simplify the current array of fragmented and varying degrees of duplicative offerings and standards in the eyes of the applicants and candidates, and begin to create a common supply chain training and development “platform” for professional certification and recognition.

More details on http://www.logistics-skills.org/CLSC_full_report.pdf